Social Media Management Hashtagrecyclers

Importance of identifying your buyers

Word of mouth recommendations have a great impact on a consumer’s mind and it cuts through the marketing clutter quickly and effectively. The digital revolution has signified the role of word of mouth (WOM) as it operates on a one-to-many communication channel nowadays. Online reviews, opinions voiced through discussion forums, social media information sharing, blogging and a lot of online communities are playing a key role in influencing the purchasing decisions of a customer.

Nowadays it seems as if businesses are pulling out all the stops when it comes to marketing. Marketing alone has so many different types and categories. For example, there is white paper advertising; there is online marketing, direct and indirect marketing, door to door marketing and so forth. And now there is the talk of the newest type of marketing: influence marketing. But what exactly is this? How does it fit within our content writing service? And is it worth believing the hype?

Influence marketing

Well for starters, influence marketing has been called the most innovative approaches to emerge in recent years. And the reason is pretty straightforward: compared to traditional marketing approaches, there is more of a target on people who will actually purchase the product rather than trying to expose just about anyone and everyone to the product. Influencing consumer behavior does not work on anyone; it only is effective for those consumers who want to be influenced, which are usually the targeted audience. And while the exposure is a key component of marketing, filtering the audience to those who actually matter will not only save time but will indeed save on marketing costs.
But the question remains, how does one filter out those who don’t matter and advertise exclusively to those who will buy your product?

Develop a buyer persona

Explaining buyer personas

When thinking about what makes an idea distinctive, it comes down to individuality. Whereas a target audience can be thought of as a mass group with typical preferences, buyer personas are less general. Our professional content writers describe them as being equivalent to a buyer personality. The basic idea is to consider one person, such as a 22-year-old arts student who lives away from home, for example, who could be persuaded to make a purchase. Then, you should produce content which might tempt individuals like that to act.

Make them real

The individual buyer persona should be given a range of characteristics (age, income, gender, education, and interests). Some imagination can be used effectively at this stage, but there is no need to go overboard. The ‘interests’ section of the persona should not be extended to the point where it becomes unrealistic or distracting.

The personas should not be isolated

Of course, both buyers and influencers have a say in deciding whether or not a particular product is bought. While there may be one persona with greater influence than the others, everyone involved in the buying process might have something to contribute to a discussion.


We, here at Hashtagrecyclers, can get into the minds of your customers and pave the way for your business marketing, but there are a whole range of things that can contribute to the success or failure of your marketing campaigns. Identifying your buyers may be a slight improvement on target audiences, but it’s important to remember that they are also just one piece of a bigger picture.

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